1/2 Barnabas Kelemen (Professor at University for Music and Dance, Cologne Germany / at Franz Liszt Music Academy, Budapest Hungary)1/2 Min Yen Chien (Professor at Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei Taiwan)
1/ Chiao-Ling Sun (Professor at National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei Taiwan)
1/ Kyung Sun Lee (Professor at Seoul National University, Seoul Korea)
1/ Bonjiu Koo (Faculty at Korea National University of Arts, Seoul Korea)
1/ Moo Jong Jo (Concertmaster of 6 Orchestras / Faculty at Busan Arts High School, Busan Korea)
2/ Naria Kim (Faculty at Chung-Ang University, South Korea)
1/2 Min Yen Chien (Professor at Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei Taiwan)
1/ Chiao-Ling Sun (Professor at National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei Taiwan)

Session 1 / Session 2
Teaching Languages English / German / Hungarian
Barnabas Kelemen has established himself as one of the leading violinist and the most versatile musician of his generation. He is a dedicated chamber musician both as a violinist and violist, string quartet-musician and conductor, giving master classes worldwide. Since 2005 he is the professor of violin at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest, Hungary. And he is also the professor of violin at the University for Music and Dance Cologne, Germany.
He appears regularly as a concerto soloist with symphonic orchestras of London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Munich, Tokyo, Budapest, Prague, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Kuala Lumpur and at may of the world's major musical venues as the New York's Carneige Hall, the Philharmonie in Berlin, the Suntory Hall of Tokyo or the Amsterdam's Concertgebouw.
Besides performing as a soloist, more and more times, he appears as a conductor, featuring the seasons he conducts the Israel Chamber Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra of the Amsterdam's Concertgebouw amongst others.
He is a regular guest of prestigious festivals including the Kaposvar International Chamber Music Festival, the festivals of Jerusalem, Schleswig Holstein, Prussia Cove, Salzburg, Prague, Menton, Lockenhaus, Ittlingen, Kissingen, Moritzburg, Delft, the MIDEM in Cannes or the Festival of Cheltenham.
He collaborated with musicians such as Lorin Maazel, Sir Neville Marriner, Michael Stern, Marek Janowski, Zoltan Kocsis, Ivan Fischer, Dezso Ranki, Peter Eotvos, Miklos Perenyi, Steven Isserlis and Katalin Kokas. He performed the Hungarian premieres of the Ligeti and Schnittke Violin Concertos and gave the Hungarian premiere of Gubajdulina's and world premiere of Kurtag's violin pieces.
In the New Series of Bartok's CD-recording released by Hungaroton, Barnabas Kelemen records all the solo violin works of Bartok for violin with Zoltan Kocsis. Barnabas Kelemen recorded all together 12 solo albums and one double DVD-recording released by Hungaroton, BMC and Naxos records, many of which was acknowledged with prestigious international awards such as the Diapason d'Or Prize and the Grand Prix du Disque Prize by the International Liszt Society.
Barnabas Kelemen has won prizes at many international competitions including the Gold Medal at 2002 International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, the 3rd Prize at 2001 Queen Elisabeth Comptition and 1st Prize at 1999 Mozart Competition in Salzburg.
He performs on 1742 'Ex-Kovacs Denes' Guarneri del Gesu violin given to him by the Hungarian Government.
Barnabas Kelemen has won prizes at many international competitions including the Gold Medal at 2002 International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, the 3rd Prize at 2001 Queen Elisabeth Comptition and 1st Prize at 1999 Mozart Competition in Salzburg.
He performs on 1742 'Ex-Kovacs Denes' Guarneri del Gesu violin given to him by the Hungarian Government.

Session 1 / Session 2
Teaching Languages English / Chinese
簡名彥教授為我國第一位活躍於國際舞台的近代台灣小提琴演奏家,早在60年代美國茱莉亞四重奏訪台期間其中已故中提琴家Raphael Hillyer便已挖掘出簡名彥之非凡潛力。透過Dr. & Mrs. Francis F. Giannini之協助與New Jersey扶輪社獎學金於1975年以極為優異的成績畢業於紐約茱麗亞音樂學院後,次年立即以驚人的效率獲該音樂院之小提琴演奏碩士學位,其演奏風範在當時已備受紐約地區樂界推崇,而期間與其受邀合作過之當今國際級的演奏家更是不計其數,如: David Finckle、Daniel Phillips、Mark Kaplan、姜東錫(Dong-Suk Kang)、張萬鈞(Lynn Chang)、吳涵等,實為台灣小提琴演奏家向國際領域開拓之先驅。在美國期間曾先後師事及應邀擔任過二十世紀美國一代小提琴巨擘葛拉米安(Ivan Galamian)及馬可夫(Albert Markov)兩位教授之教學助理多年,室內樂則師承於茱莉亞四重奏(Juilliard String Quartet)、Lenox String Quartet、Felix Galimier、Lilian Fuchs、William Lincer、Josef Gingold。由於出生醫生世家,一直不能忘情醫學,更於1983年進入美國阿肯色大學醫學院,完成基礎醫學課程而一嘗夙願。1986年簡名彥應當時國立藝術學院(為現今國立台北藝術大學之前身)教務長馬水龍之力邀返台任教,參與新生代小提琴手的培育工作重責,近年來許多名揚國際亦或各大交響樂團的首席及提琴演奏家們均深受其影響而雨露均霑。
近年來簡名彥教授常以醫學的角度,深入探討小提琴演奏時骨骼肌肉系統之間的相互關係,並致力於肌肉在錯誤使用(misuse)上與過度使用(overuse)後造成傷害的研究,曾於1994年2月,應邀在「中華民國人因工程學會」所舉行的以『安全與健康』為主題的國際醫學年會暨研討會(The 1994 International Conference on Ergonomics and Health)中以「小提琴肩之探討」為題發表之專題演講,其中說明了經由肌動學(Kinesiology)和運動醫學(Sports Medicine)的角度中領悟到如何破解小提琴演奏與練習上經常發生的盲點,更釐清了一般提琴表演工作者平時所執著的傳統錯誤觀念-『吃的苦中苦,方為人上人』(No pain,No gain!)。
負笈國外二十年之後返台,仍汲汲不忘為尋求新的突破而努力,並向指揮家及小提琴家林克昌教授及法國小提琴泰斗吉拉.普雷(Gerard Poulet)教授登門求教。2015年10月,簡名彥教授完成了「從尼古拉‧帕格尼尼二十四首《綺想曲》作品一,探討指法與左大拇指之運用」一書及樂譜版本之校訂,其所堅持之「人性化演奏法」,讓愛樂者們見證到一位演奏家是如何延長與拓展演奏之生命與範疇。
Min Yen Chien is acclaimed as one of the foremost musicians of our time, hails from the first generation of international Taiwanese violinists. He was born on 2 August, 1953 into a family of medical and musical eminence in Nantou, Taiwan.
Min Yen had his first violin lesson at age seven. Just after a year, at age eight, he won the first prize in the National Violin Competition for children in Taiwan. It was providential for Min Yen that the late Raphael Hillyer was in the audience. Hillyer who was touring Taiwan at that time, was then a violist with the Juilliard String Quartet. After that performance, Min Yen became a protégé of Hillyer. At age ten, Min Yen went on to win the first prize in the First National Violin Competition sponsored by the Rotary Club of Taiwan.
In 1967, with the encouragement and sponsorship of Hillyer, Min Yen arrived in the United States. During that summer, he won first prize in the Violin Concerto Competition at the National Music Camp in Interlochen, Michigan, and performed the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with its orchestra, receiving a standing ovation for his performance.
From 1967-68, Min Yen studied with Marc Gottlieb and Ruggiero Ricci at the North Carolina School of the Arts. Under the recommendation of Ricci, Min Yen entered the Pre-College Division of the Juilliard School in 1968 as a full scholarship student under the direction of Ivan Galamian and Sally Thomas. He also studied chamber music with Robert Mann, Felix Galimir, William Lincer, Lillian Fuchs and the Juilliard & Lennox String Quartets. In the summer of 1977, he studied chamber music with Ma Si-Hon and Josef Gingold at the Blossom Music Festival in Kent, Ohio. With the sponsorship of Dr. & Mrs. Francis F. Giannini and a scholarship funded by the Rotary Club of New Jersey, Min Yen received his Bachelor's (1975) and Master's (1976) in Music from Juilliard. He furthered his studies with Albert Markov at the Mannes College, and took private lessons in Taiwan with Kek-Jiang Lim, a student of Georges Enesco, the former Music Director and Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic. From 2010-2014, Min Yen was in Japan studying with renowned French violinist, Gerard Poulet.
Min Yen’s great interest in medicine and science directed him to The College of Medicine, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, where he was accepted as a medical student. From 1982 - 86, he studied medicine with the same passion he had for his musical pursuits. Recently, Min Yen has begun exploring the relationship between the violin and the muscular-skeletal system; and is committed to studying injury prevention of muscle overuse or misuse.
Adding to his achievements, Min Yen has also just completed a book on "An Investigative Analysis of Fingerings and Thumb Positions on Paganini's 24 Caprices Op. 1." and his edition of the “Paganini 24 Caprices for Violin Solo, Op. I".
In August 1986, Min Yen was invited by the late Taiwanese composer Shui-Long Ma to teach at the National Institute of the Arts, renamed the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) in 2001.
Min Yen has trained many young and talented violin students and helped them secure a foothold on the ladder of success in their future careers. Many of his former students hold important positions such as concert masters, members of professional orchestras or teaching posts in established musical institutions.
In 1991, Min Yen’s Alice Tully Hall debut in New York City with pianist Wendy Fang Chen enjoyed a sold-out capacity. In February 1994 he was invited by the Society for Human Engineering Factors of Taiwan to be a guest lecturer in their annual International Conference on Ergonomics & Health; he delivered his lecture on the topic, "The Violinist's Shoulder”.
In May 2016, Min Yen returned to Alice Tully Hall to give a world premiere of a violin concerto composed by Justine F. Chen, and performed with the New York-based Youth Orchestra, CYCNY.
Min Yen regularly performs in concerts as a soloist and with chamber music groups in TNUA and the National Concert Hall in Taipei; he has played twice by invitation, in the Presidential Palace Concert.
Min Yen had his first violin lesson at age seven. Just after a year, at age eight, he won the first prize in the National Violin Competition for children in Taiwan. It was providential for Min Yen that the late Raphael Hillyer was in the audience. Hillyer who was touring Taiwan at that time, was then a violist with the Juilliard String Quartet. After that performance, Min Yen became a protégé of Hillyer. At age ten, Min Yen went on to win the first prize in the First National Violin Competition sponsored by the Rotary Club of Taiwan.
In 1967, with the encouragement and sponsorship of Hillyer, Min Yen arrived in the United States. During that summer, he won first prize in the Violin Concerto Competition at the National Music Camp in Interlochen, Michigan, and performed the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with its orchestra, receiving a standing ovation for his performance.
From 1967-68, Min Yen studied with Marc Gottlieb and Ruggiero Ricci at the North Carolina School of the Arts. Under the recommendation of Ricci, Min Yen entered the Pre-College Division of the Juilliard School in 1968 as a full scholarship student under the direction of Ivan Galamian and Sally Thomas. He also studied chamber music with Robert Mann, Felix Galimir, William Lincer, Lillian Fuchs and the Juilliard & Lennox String Quartets. In the summer of 1977, he studied chamber music with Ma Si-Hon and Josef Gingold at the Blossom Music Festival in Kent, Ohio. With the sponsorship of Dr. & Mrs. Francis F. Giannini and a scholarship funded by the Rotary Club of New Jersey, Min Yen received his Bachelor's (1975) and Master's (1976) in Music from Juilliard. He furthered his studies with Albert Markov at the Mannes College, and took private lessons in Taiwan with Kek-Jiang Lim, a student of Georges Enesco, the former Music Director and Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic. From 2010-2014, Min Yen was in Japan studying with renowned French violinist, Gerard Poulet.
Min Yen’s great interest in medicine and science directed him to The College of Medicine, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, where he was accepted as a medical student. From 1982 - 86, he studied medicine with the same passion he had for his musical pursuits. Recently, Min Yen has begun exploring the relationship between the violin and the muscular-skeletal system; and is committed to studying injury prevention of muscle overuse or misuse.
Adding to his achievements, Min Yen has also just completed a book on "An Investigative Analysis of Fingerings and Thumb Positions on Paganini's 24 Caprices Op. 1." and his edition of the “Paganini 24 Caprices for Violin Solo, Op. I".
In August 1986, Min Yen was invited by the late Taiwanese composer Shui-Long Ma to teach at the National Institute of the Arts, renamed the Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) in 2001.
Min Yen has trained many young and talented violin students and helped them secure a foothold on the ladder of success in their future careers. Many of his former students hold important positions such as concert masters, members of professional orchestras or teaching posts in established musical institutions.
In 1991, Min Yen’s Alice Tully Hall debut in New York City with pianist Wendy Fang Chen enjoyed a sold-out capacity. In February 1994 he was invited by the Society for Human Engineering Factors of Taiwan to be a guest lecturer in their annual International Conference on Ergonomics & Health; he delivered his lecture on the topic, "The Violinist's Shoulder”.
In May 2016, Min Yen returned to Alice Tully Hall to give a world premiere of a violin concerto composed by Justine F. Chen, and performed with the New York-based Youth Orchestra, CYCNY.
Min Yen regularly performs in concerts as a soloist and with chamber music groups in TNUA and the National Concert Hall in Taipei; he has played twice by invitation, in the Presidential Palace Concert.

Session 1
Teaching Languages English / Chinese
孫巧玲 小提琴博士/教授
Dr. Chiao-Ling Sun holds the post of Violin Professor of
Music Department at the National Taiwan University of Arts. There, she is
presently teaching violin performance, chamber music, and string pedagogy.
Violinist Bonjiu Koo studied at Yewon Arts Middle School, Seoul Arts High School and Seoul National University. Then she went to USA for further studies at Yale University(Master Degree and Artist Diploma). Since when she was a child, she was recognized her talent and won prizes at national and international competitions such as Yewon, Yookyoung, Ihwa Kyunghyang, Jung Ang, YeEum for Chamber Music, Shimonoseki in Japan. She distinguished herself, winning the 1st prize at the KBS Rookie Music Competition and having debut stage with KBS Philharmonic Orchestra.
"She performs with sincerity and passion" - Philip Setzer, Emerson Quartet
Graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts in 1981
with a diploma in music, she went on for her Bachelor of Music Degree and
Master of Music Degree from Peabody Conservatory of Music in 1986. In 1988, Ms
Sun was sent back to USA on a full scholarship from University of California at
Santa Barbara, where she completed her Doctor of Music Arts Degree in 2001.
While in USA, Ms Sun received Pi Kappa Lambda Award, YASQ
Fellowship, Advanced Teacher Training Program Fellowship, INA Broida Graduate
Fellowship. She also premiered the “Tapestry” Piano Trio by the modern American
composer Joel Feigin at the Carnegie Hall.
Chiao-Ling Sun held the position of concertmistress in
Annapolis Symphony orchestra, Peabody Symphony Orchestra, Peabody Conductor
Orchestra, National Experimental Orchestra, and Taiwan Academy of Arts
Orchestra. She was also the Associate Concertmistress of Maryland Symphony
Orchestra, and Baltimore Chamber orchestra.
Ms. Sun founded and was the Director of the highly
acclaimed Taiwan String Quartet. The quartet toured USA, Singapore and Costa Rica,
winning reviews from the Costa Rica newspapers putting them at the same level
as the Tokyo String Quartet.
Ms. Sun’s solo career sees her performing in numerous
international concert halls. Her repertoire includes concertos by Brahms,
Mendelssohn, Sibelius, Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”, Violin Concerto “Butterfly
Lovers” by Gang / Zhanhao, Brahms’ “Double Concerto”, Beethoven’s “Triple Concerto”,
Vaughan Williams “The Lark Ascending”. The Santa Barbara Independent described
her performance: “Her playing reflects a spirit of spontaneity that is both
exciting and mesmerizing. Her natural romanticism creates an intensely moving
In recent years, Prof.
Sun has been invited to teach at different international music festivals, such
as Schlern/Semper International Music Festival and Arcidosso International
Music Festivals in Italy, Saarburg and Sulzbach-Rosenberg International Music Festivals
in Germany. She is an established violinist and professor in Taiwan.

Session 1
Teaching Languages English / Korean
Violinist Kyung Sun Lee captured sixth prize in the 1994 Tchaikowsky Competition, a bronze medal in the 1993 Queen Elizabeth Competition, first prizes of the Washington and D'Angelo International Competitions, and third prize in the Montreal International Competition, where she also won the Audience Favorite and the Best Performance of the Commissioned Work prizes.
Subsequent to winning these awards she has enjoyed ever-increasing popularity as a performer. She has received high critical acclaim: “Exceptional tonal suavity and expressive intensity in equal measure,” commented The Strad. “Godard's ‘Concerto Romantique’ could not have had a more outstanding soloist than Kyung Sun Lee,” proclaimed Harris Goldsmith in the New York Concert Review. “Fluidity and grace; pathos and emotion,” raved the Palm Beach Post. “Lee is the most musical, the most intelligent soloist to have played with the orchestra in quite a while,” maintained the Tuscaloosa News. “Penetrating clarity, a strong sense of style and a technical supremacy that conquered all difficulties with unruffled ease,” announced the Miami Herald. “Beyond superb execution, she conveyed [Vieuxtemps's Concerto no. 5]'s particular Romanticism expertly,” remarked Dennis Rooney in The Strad.
In addition to her busy schedule as soloist and chamber musician, Lee is an accomplished teacher and clinician. After becoming Assistant Professor of Violin at the Oberlin Conservatory in the fall of 2001, then Associate Professor at the University of Houston in the fall of 2006, she is currently Professor at Seoul National University since 2009. She taught for two summers at the Aspen Music Festival, and has also been involved with the Seattle and the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festivals, the Texas Music Festival, and the Great Mountains Music Festival in Korea. Lee is a former member of the acclaimed KumHo/Asiana String Quartet, with whom she toured worldwide. In recent years she has also been in demand as a judge of violin competitions including the International Sion Competition in Switzerland, Seoul International Competition and the Siberia International Competition.
Kyung Sun Lee studied at Seoul National University, Peabody Conservatory, and Juilliard. Her teachers have included Nam Yun Kim, Sylvia Rosenberg, Robert Mann, Dorothy Delay, and Hyo Kang. She plays a Joseph Guarnerius violin dating from 1723.

Session 1
Teaching Languages English / Korean
Bonjiu Koo had acclaimed by performing as a soloist with Korea National Orchestra, KBS Symphony Orchestra, Seoul Symphony Orchestra, Korean Symphony, Prime Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, I Solist Beneti Orchestra, Yurasian Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Chamber Orchestra and drew public attention, by having premiere performance of Shostakovich Violin Concerto in Korea with Seoul Metropolitan Youth Philharmonic Orchestra in Orchestra Festival hosted by Seoul Arts Center in 1995.
She had been invited to perform as a soloist by many European orchestras, such as Brno Philharmonic Orchestra, Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra, Czech Virtuosi, Praha Symphony Chamber Orchestra, Praha Radio Symphony Orchestra, L'Orchestra de Chambre Regional d'ile de France, Savarian Symphony Orchestra in Hungary, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Slovak Sinfonietta, Micheli Metropolitan Philharmonic Orchestra in Finland, Orchestra Sinfonica de la Region de Murcia in Spain.
Especially, she was invited by "Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien" to have concert tour with Vienna Symphony Chamber Orchestra to three Austrian cities including Musikverein Vienna. She was also invited by Romanian National Philharmonic Orchestra to have orchestral performance and recital in the halls like George Enescu Hall, Bucharest in Romania. In Bladivostok, she had invitational recital hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea and Kumho Culture Foundation.
She was acclaimed highly by local media, performing with world-renowned artists, such as with cellist Kirill Rodin Brams Double Concerto, with cellist Misha Maisky Beethoven Triple Concerto. Especially, Bonjiu Koo was invited to perform Shostakovich Violin Concerto with Praha Radio Broadcasting Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maxim Shostakovich at Shostakovich Birth 100th Anniversary Festival. As well, she had concertized widely including at New Year Invitational Concert at Sydney Opera House, Contemporary Music Festival Concert hosted by Tanglewood Music Festival, Chamber Music Concert at Seoul International Music Festival, Invitational Tour Concert at 9 cities in South Korea of the 10th Anniversary of Igun Music Society, Recital in HoAm Art Hall and LG Art Center, Kumho Art Hall Invitation Concert and many more.
Currently, Bonjiu Koo is teaching at Yewon Arts Middle School, Seoul Arts High School, Sunhwa Arts Middle and high Schools, Korea National Institute for the Gifted in Arts, Korea National University of Arts. She studied with NamYoon Kim and Sidey Harth.
She was acclaimed highly by local media, performing with world-renowned artists, such as with cellist Kirill Rodin Brams Double Concerto, with cellist Misha Maisky Beethoven Triple Concerto. Especially, Bonjiu Koo was invited to perform Shostakovich Violin Concerto with Praha Radio Broadcasting Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Maxim Shostakovich at Shostakovich Birth 100th Anniversary Festival. As well, she had concertized widely including at New Year Invitational Concert at Sydney Opera House, Contemporary Music Festival Concert hosted by Tanglewood Music Festival, Chamber Music Concert at Seoul International Music Festival, Invitational Tour Concert at 9 cities in South Korea of the 10th Anniversary of Igun Music Society, Recital in HoAm Art Hall and LG Art Center, Kumho Art Hall Invitation Concert and many more.
Currently, Bonjiu Koo is teaching at Yewon Arts Middle School, Seoul Arts High School, Sunhwa Arts Middle and high Schools, Korea National Institute for the Gifted in Arts, Korea National University of Arts. She studied with NamYoon Kim and Sidey Harth.

Moo Jong Jo
Session 1
Teaching Languages English / Korean / German
- Graduate of Busan High School of Arts
- Bachelor's and Master's degree at Korean National university of arts
- Studied 'Kuenstleriche Ergaenzung - Orchester solo literatur' in Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Hannover
- Graduate of Folkwang Universitaet der Kuenste for both 'Professional Performance' and 'Kammermusik'
- First prize winner of the 6th MagnificatLupiae International Competition
- First prize winner in chamber music category of the 9th Don Vincenzo Vitti International Competition
- Performed the Tchaikovsky violin concerto with Duisburger Philharmoniker
- Concert tours in northern germany as a member of Kammerphilharmonie Koeln
- Performed chamber music in the 4th Busan Maru international music festival.
- Performed numerous concerts internationally including recitals, solo performances with orchestras, chamber music, and as concertmaster.
- Currently : Concertmaster of six orchestras - Gumi Festival Orchestra, Allway Korea Orchestra, Kyungnam Symphony Orchestra, Dream Munhwa Opera Orchestra, North Ulsan Orchestra, Busan Concert Philharmonic Crchestra. Member of Trio Piace and the Kyungnam soloists. Faculty in Busan High School of Arts

Naria Kim
Session 2
Teaching Languages English / Korean
"She performs with sincerity and passion" - Philip Setzer, Emerson Quartet
"Performance reflects the depth of interpretation, musicality....needed to distinguish oneself in the world of professional performance" - Barry Alexander & Cosmo Buono, ABI Foundation
New York born violinist Naria Kim is a Korea based International Artist Teacher. Naria Kim made her soloist debut performing with the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra as a winner of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Soloist Audition at the age of twelve and 1st prize winner of the Alexander & Buono International String Competition and winner of the Eurasia International Violin Competition, Osaka International Music Competition and Kumho Young Artist Audition to name a few.
Her solo recitals and concert highlights include performances with the Bulgaria Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Korea National Military Symphony Orchestra, Carnegie Weill Hall, NY Symphony Space Hall, Bulgaria Concert Hall, Seoul Arts Center, Chicago Cultural Center and the Hong Kong Lee Hysan Concert Hall to name a few. She has also been invited to perform as soloist at numerous international festivals including the Young Artist Concert of the Elan International Music Festival (Vermont), the Rising Star Series at the Great Mountains International Music Festival (KOR), the Gala Concert at the Canetti International Music Festival (Italy), L’Academie de Musique de Lausanne Duo Concert (Swiss), Sorodha Foundation Recital (Antwerp, Belgium), the 30th season of the Rabi-Warner Concert Series Recital at the NY Columbia University, Chicago Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert Series Recital 2015/2017 (WFMT 98.7 radio-live), Guest Artist Recital at Iowa Luther College, Roosevelt University and Recital and Master Class Series at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Also, Naria Kim Violin Recitals 'the Fantasy' and 'Classics and the Blue Note' at the Seoul Arts Center was awarded the Arts Council Korea Funding Award in 2018. Recently, Naria Kim has performed the 'Complete Beethoven Violin Sonata Cycle' with pianist Kuang-Hao Huang at Chicago, Iowa and Seoul Arts Center for the 2019/2020 season awarded with the Arts Council Korea Funding Award 2019.
Ms. Kim is a graduate of the Korea National University of Arts through the early entrance program for gifted, Master of Music and Artist Diploma with Hyo Kang at Yale School of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts with Philip Setzer on full scholarship, stipend and Teaching Assistantship from Stony Brook University.
Ms. Kim has served as Violin Faculty at the Stony Brook University, Naugatuck Valley Community College and Lecturer of Violin at Chung-Ang University and Korea National University of Arts in Korea. As an international teaching artist, she has been invited for Master Classes and faculty member of International Music Festivals including the Korea Soriter Arts Center, Euro Music Academy-Korea 2017/2019, Italy Cremona Summer Festival-International Academy of Arts, Iowa Luther College Master Class and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Master Class to name a few. Currently, she is a Lecturer of Violin at Chung-Ang University, Faculty of France Alsace-Musicalta Music Festival 2020 and an active judge for numerous international and national competitions.